Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of recipes,
guided meditation and educational videos!
How does the subscription work?
After you subscribe, you will get access to a large library of videos on guided meditations, recipes, and educational content that expands weekly.
How often will you add new videos?
I will be adding 2 new videos every week!
I’m totally new to healthy eating and mindset, where should I start?
Not to worry! The Synergised Nutrition membership programme is designed for everybody, whether you’re just dipping your toes in the water or have been practicing a healthy lifestyle for years. You will get into the flow quicker than you think.
I'm vegan, are your recipes suitable for me?
Yes! The majority of recipes are 100% plant-based.
Can I share my account with a friend?
No, sorry! Our policy is strictly one user per account. You can only log in to 3 different devices with the same log in credentials, and we check IP addresses to make sure only one user uses the account. Failure to comply to the rules of one user per account will unfortunately get you banned from using our services.
Can I cancel the membership anytime?
I have another question
Please send an email directly to and my team will get back to you as soon as possible.
I have a medical condition, am pregnant or newly postpartum, is Synergised Nutrition suitable for me?
The majority of the content would be perfectly applicable to you. Please consult your doctor beforehand for any specific concerns.
When will I be charged?
Payment for the subscription plan chosen will be taken after the 7 day free trial if you don't cancel beforehand.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can manage or cancel your subscription by going to the "Billing" section located under "My Account".
Will I receive a refund if I cancel after the 7 Day Free Trial?
No. Since your subscription plan is pre-paid, you will keep your service until the billing period ends and your subscription plan expires.
What happens when I cancel?
You will continue to have access to the product(s) and features on your subscription plan until it expires at the end of your billing period.
Are the recipes, guided meditations and educational videos included when working with Paula in the Private Practice?
No. The recipes, workouts and guided meditations in the membership programme Synergised Nutrition are separate to Private Practice. You must therefore subscribe to this separately if you want access to these videos.
I'm vegan, can I still do the Reset or GI Protocol?
Yes, both protocols are vegan-friendly.
Where can I find recipes for the 21 Day Reset?
Synergised Nutrition has multiple recipes that are Reset approved. Just look for those recipes that are labelled as "reset friendly"!
What protocol is best for me?
The majority of my clients complete both protocols and the reason is that each of them works on different parts of the body.
The 21 Day Reset is the starting point for everyone. Your body will go through a powerful detoxification process so you can eliminate toxins and lower inflammation. The GI Protocol, however, is an in-depth plan that focuses on resetting and rebuilding the gut.
Both protocols have been proven to work on hundreds of individuals and were designed to get to the root cause of many health issues.
What is the difference between working with Paula directly and purchasing the GI Protocol or 21 Day Reset?
While the protocols have been proven to work on hundreds of individuals and were designed to get to the root cause of many health issues, many people prefer having a one-to-one consultation for more a personalised advice.
Should I do the 21 Day Reset or GIP first?
I recommend doing the 21 Day Reset first to lower inflammation levels and open detoxification pathways. This will allow your body to assimilate the GIP better and it will also speed up the removal of toxins released by the pathogens in the gut.
I don't want to lose weight, can I still do the 21 Day Reset or GIP?
Absolutely! There is not calorie restriction in either protocol. You will also find out how to tailor the 21 Day Reset and GIP for you in the Q&A guide that comes in the eBook.
Are there any supplements involved in the 21 Day Reset and in the GIP?
Yes. You will find a list on the eBook with all the recommended brands to choose from. However, I also explain in detail in the videos what to look for (regardless of what country you’re based in) if you don’t have access to those products specifically. You will then be able to buy them online or in your local health store.
Can I do the 21 Day Reset and GIP if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?
I don't recommend it.
Can I do the GIP and 21 Day Reset at the same time?
I don’t recommend doing them at the same time to avoid overtaxing the system. However, you can do them one after the other if you wish.
Do I have access to the protocols when working with Paula in private practice?
Yes, you will have access to the eBooks and the protocol videos.
Where can I find recipes for the GIP?
All of the recipes in Synergised Nutrition are GIP approved!
Is there anyone that the 21 Day Reset or GI Protocol isn't suitable for?
Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are under 18, pregnant or lactating, have liver or kidney disease, gallbladder conditions, appendicitis, eating disorder, type 1 diabetes, or if any of your medications are contraindicated with any of the recommended supplements.